It’s no secret by now that the key to enjoying the full potential of strength, aroma, flavor, and effects from your concentrates is to achieve full vaporization at the lowest temperatures possible. Gone are the days of heating your nail up until it is glowing red, then sizzling your dabs into a muddled mess of toasted terps, or waiting too long and being left with unused pools of wasted oil.
With the invention of the carb cap, dabbers everywhere could finally taste the strain! The restricted air flow created by a functional carb cap reduces the air pressure throughout your rig, including on the dabbing surface itself. This lower pressure results in a lower boiling point for your oil, meaning, it takes less heat to create the huge, thick, plumes of vapor that you desire with each dab.
Lower temp dabs with the proper carb cap not only taste much better, but the undamaged terpene profile also contributes to a more clear-headed and enjoyable experience overall. Not to mention, no more wasted puddles of nug-run! But, just as there are a growing number of different styles of domeless nails, bangers, and buckets, carb cap designers have created different designs to best match each style of nail for optimum performance.
Here is guide to making sure you snag the right carb cap for your setup:
Best used with: Banger style quartz nails

Some carb caps are really nothing more than the equivalent of a lid for a pot or pan – once they are on top of the nail, that’s it. It didn’t take too long before designers realized, “Hey, our carb cap should have…ya know…a carb”. The Directional Flow Carb Cap blends the best of both worlds. It still restricts air flow with its seal around the top of the quartz bucket, but an angled tube stems down through the cap and when rotated, can push the oil around the bottom of the bucket to maximize vaporization.
Too often, we see people using household items, or even worse, silicone containers to cap the top of their quartz banger, bucket, or trough. Does it work? Maybe. Is it gross? Definitely. Your quartz nail, banger, bucket, or trough deserves better and so do you. The line-up of flat solid glass carb cap dabbers available here at The Dab Lab will work with a wide variety of bangers, buckets and troughs of all shapes and sizes to provide an ideal seal for low temp vaporization - with the added benefit of a built-in dabber!
Best used with: Banger or Trough style quartz nails and “Castle" style nails whose center tube rises higher than the sidewalls of the nail head.
The number one advantage of a titanium carb cap over a glass or quartz alternative is that titanium will never break. All of the titanium products that we offer here at The Dab Lab are manufactured from the highest quality sources of titanium to ensure that the end product that you use is just as safe as it is effective. The ability to add, remove, and reconfigure your dabber placement is another distinct advantage to having a titanium carb cap. If you are looking for one carb cap to effectively seal virtually any style of domeless nail, be sure to check out our universal titanium carb caps and dabber set.
Best used with: Thermal P Quartz Bangers & Flat Top Quartz Bangers

Made specifically to work optimally with Thermal P and Flat Top Quartz Bangers, these Bubble Carb Caps provide superior control of directional flow with their wide carb stem and smooth ball-and-socket operation. This control allows you to vaporize every last drop of your terpy dabs at the lowest possible temperatures! Watch the oil run away from the spout as you wiggle it back and fourth. Isn't it fun?
As you can see, there are many options. But with this guide, once you narrow them down a bit based on the style of nail that you have, or plan to purchase, it should come down to choosing the style that suits you best. After your first sesh with your new carb cap setup, you’ll understand what all the hype is about.
Join the low-temp dabbing revolution here at The Dab Lab. From fine art to form and function, we have the carb cap you need to take your terps to the next level.