Just as the quality and potency of our dabs have increased over the years, so has the tech level of the tools that we use to enjoy those dabs. Domeless quartz bangers, buckets, thermal p, and troughs have been best-sellers here at DinoNail for years now. We've seen carb caps evolve into the directional flow functional caps that we carry today. We've seen a wide variety of e-nails, and we carry some great options. All of this in search of the terps - the best flavor and effects possible.
We have found a new high with the innovative new Quartz Insert - options available now here at DinoNail.

The two questions we get the most about these must-have items is – What is the best way to use it and what size will fit my nail?
First you need to have a Flat Top Quartz Banger domeless nail. But before you buy one you need to know what size to get.
The easiest way to find the right size quartz insert for your nail is to visit our Compatibility Master List . If you have one of the nails in the list, select it from the drop-down menu and a list of compatible sizes will appear. But if the nail you have isn't in our list or you just want to double check to make sure you will need to do a little math.
Step 1
Find out the outer diameter of your nail head. If it was sold as a 25mm Banger, then 25mm represents the outer diameter of your nail head.
Step 2
Find out the thickness if your nail head. You can refer back to where you purchase the nail from or use a pair of calipers to measure the thickness (this will also work for step 1).
Step 3
Now take the outer diameter of your nail and subtract double the thickness of your nail.
Example: 25mm head – (2 x 3mm thick head) = 25 – 6 = 19
Step 4
The number you get represents the size of the insert you will need. That size should fit, but to be safe, we always recommend getting 1mm smaller. So in the example above, we would have bought a 18mm insert.
Once you’ve got your banger and correct size insert, there are the 3 ways to use your new Quartz Insert to take your terps to the next level!
Option 1
With everything at room temp, place the empty Insert into the head of the banger. Then proceed to heat your banger as you normally would. The heat will transfer from the quartz banger to the quartz dish, giving you an enhanced version of a Thermal P dab nail.
Advantage: Superior heat retention gives you plenty of time to get your dab into the dish or take very large dabs.
Disadvantage: Longest heat-up time

Option 2
With everything at room temp, heat the insert itself, holding it with Reverse Tweezers, then place it into the room temp banger and wait as long as you would on a regular domless quartz nail to apply the dab. Once the vapor has cleared, remove the insert and clean with Tip Tech Cotton Swabs.
Advantage: This can keep your banger head looking sparkling new for much longer. If/when you need to replace something, the insert is much more affordable than an entirely new domeless nail.
Disadvantage: Less heat retention than the 1st method means you can't take giant globs without a little waste. Use caution when handling a hot or warm Quartz Insert Dish.

Option 3
With everything at room temp, load your preferred size dab into the insert, and then heat the head of your Flat Top Banger as you normally would. Once you have it at your desired temp, place the pre-loaded insert into the heated banger head and when the oil begins to bubble and boil, carb cap that baby and rip it slow and steady for the ultimate flavor burst.
Advantage: This is the tastiest way we have found to dab from a quartz nail so far. The gradual rise in quartz-to-quartz heat transfer ensures that you are vaporizing your oil at the most ideal and lowest temp possible.
Disadvantage: Not really any so far, unless you wait too long after the oil begins to bubble, which can occasionally result in slightly too hot of a dab.